Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/246

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208 Readiiigs in European History But even as the pitcher that goes daily to the well must sometime break, so will it be with me ; for though, for the welfare of the Swedish kingdom, I have already gone through many dangers and seen much shedding of blood, and have come through it all so far — thanks to God's gra- cious protection — without bodily harm, yet the time will come when all is over for me and I must say farewell to life. Therefore I have desired before my departure to see you all, from far and near, subjects and estates of Sweden, gathered about me, that we may together commend our- selves and each other, in body, soul, and estate, to our all- gracious God, in the hope that it may be his will, after this weary and troublous life, to bring us again together in the heavenly and everlasting life that he has prepared for us. Especially do I commend you, counselors of the king- dom, to the all-powerful God, desiring that you may never fail in good counsel, that you may uphold your office and rank to the honor of God, that his holy word may remain undenled to ourselves and our descendants in the father- land, so that peace and unity may blossom and flourish, and discontent, discord, and dissension be unknown, and that your counsels may ever bring safety, quiet, and peace to the fatherland. Finally, may you strive to bring up your children to respect the laws and in every way to serve and strengthen the government of the kingdom. This is the wish of my whole heart. You of the knight's estate I likewise ardently commend to the Most High God, with the hope that you may stand by your traditions, and that you and your descendants may regain for yourselves and spread abroad through the whole world the undying renown of the Goths, our fore- fathers, whose once famous name is now, alas, long for- gotten — yea, well-nigh despised — by foreigners, but whose spirit has already, during my reign, shone forth again in your manly behavior, your unfailing courage, your sacri- fices of blood and life. May our descendants once more glory in the might of their forefathers, who subjugated various kingdoms and ruled through hundreds of years