Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/252

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2 1 4 Readings in European History and Vandals, etc.; from which war resulted a great effusion of Christian blood and the desolation of divers provinces, until at last, through the movings of the Divine Goodness, it came about that both parties began to turn their thoughts toward the means of reestablishing peace, and by a mutual agreement made at Hamburg, December 25 (New Style), or the 15th (Old Style), of the year 1641, between the parties, the date July 11 (New Style) or 1 (Old Style) was fixed for the meeting of the plenipotentiaries at Osnabriick and at Miinster in Westphalia. In accordance with this, the ambassadors plenipotentiary duly appointed by both parties appeared at the said time and places named, to wit . . . [here follow the names of the ambassadors and their numerous titles]. After invoking the aid of God and exchanging their credentials, copies of which are inserted word for word in the present treaty, they arranged and agreed upon the articles of peace and amity which follow, to the glory of God and for the welfare of the Christian commonwealth; the electors, princes, and estates of the Holy Roman Empire being present and approving. As head of the Church, Pope Innocent X promptly declared null and void all the articles in the treaties of Westphalia relating to religious matters. 301. The Consumed by zeal for the house of the Lord, we are pope declares especially concerned with the endeavor everywhere to main- a great part : , . . r , , , c . , , , . of the tain the integrity of the orthodox faith and the authority treaties of of the Catholic Church, so that the ecclesiastical rights of ^?i S anH vnfn wn i cn we have been appointed guardian by our Saviour shall not in any way be impaired by those who seek their own interest rather than God's, and that we may not be accused of negligence when we shall render account to the Sovereign Judge. Accordingly it is not without deep pain that we have learned that by several articles in the peace concluded at Osnabriick, August 6, 1 1648, between our very dear son 1 This is not the date commonly given for the concluding of the treaty. null and void.