Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/28

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xxii Contents and List of Citations PAGE 372. Review of English progress in India (1757— 1857) . . 343 Innes, Lucknow and Oude in the Midiny (1895), pp. 1 sqq. V. The Jesuits in North America yj^- How Marquette descended the Mississippi River in 1673 345 The Jesuit delations, edited by Thwaites, LIX, 89 sqq., passim VI. The Settlements in New England and Pennsylvania 374. The motives of the New England colonists . . . .351 William Hubbard, A General History of New Eng- land, Massachusetts Historical Collections, 2d series, Vol. V, 41 sq. 375. How Penn received his grant from Charles II . . . 353 Passages from the Life and Writings of William Penn; ed. Cope, p. 234 VII. English Views of the Revolt of the American Colonies 376. Pitt on the American colonists' opposition to the taxa- tion 354 Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (Dublin, 1792), II, 124^. 377. Letter of George III on necessity of holding the colonies 355 The Correspondence of George III with Lord North, II, 252 CHAPTER XXXIV — THE EVE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION I. The Ancien Regime 378. Uncertainty and confusion of the Ancien Regime . . 360 Madame la baronne de Stael, Considerations sur les principaux evenemens de la Revolution francaise (1818), I, 129 sqq. 379. Protest of a French court against the lettres de cachet . 362 Memoires sur Lamoignon de Malesherbes, par Eugene de Vignaux (1876), pp. 61, 69 sqq., 81 sqq. 380. The hunting preserves in France 365 Arthur Young, Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, i78q; ed. Betham-Edwards (Bohn Library), 316 sqq.