Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/31

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Contetits and List of Citations xxv CHAPTER XXXVI — THE FIRST FRENCH REPUBLIC I. The Flight of the King and the Origin of a Repub- lican Party 402. How the Parisians viewed the flight of the king . . . 428 Prudhomme, " Revolutions de Paris," No. CII, Histoire parlementaire, X, 241 sqq. 403. Marat attacks Lafayette and the royalists 431 Chevremont, Jean-Paul Marat, I, 490 sqq. 404. The Declaration of Pillnitz 432 Martens, Recueil des principaux traites, V, 260 II. A Royalist's View of the Achievements of the National Assembly 405. Opinion of a royalist on the work of the Assembly . 433 Le Mercure de France (October, 1791), quoted in Me- . moires et Correspondance de Mallet du Pan ; ed. Sayous, I, 240 sqq. III. Origin of the Jacobin Club 406. How the Jacobin Club originated in 1789 436 Alexandre de Lameth, DHistoire de VAssemblee con- stituante, I, 422 IV. The Legislative Assembly and the Enemies of the Revolution 407. Letter of Louis XVI to the king of Prussia .... 438 Louis XVI, Marie- Antoinette et Madame Elizabeth, lettres et documents inedits, publies par Feuillet de Conches, IV, 269 sqq. 408. Count of Provence summoned back to France . . . 439 Histoire parlementaire, XII, 231 sqq. 409. The French Assembly declares war on Austria . . . 440 Duvergier, Collection complete des lois, decrets, etc. (ed. of 1824), IV, 140 sq. 410. Decree against the nonjuring priests 441 Ibid. IV, 209 sq. V. The Abolition of Monarchy 411. The proclamation of the duke of Brunswick .... 443 Histoire parlementaire, XVI, 276 sqq. 412. The debate during the first session of the Convention . 446 Ibid. XIX, 9 sqq. 413. Proclamation of the Convention to the nations (Decem- ber, 1792) 449 Duvergier (as above, No. 409), V, 105 sq.