Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/434

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396 Readings in Europe a,7i History Flammermont, Remontrances du parlement de Paris, 3 vols. The strictures of the great court at Paris on the policy of the ministers dur- ing the eighteenth century. Turgot, (Euvres, edited by Daire, 2 vols. Affords the clearest notion of the economic conditions. Includes all of Turgot's preambles to his edicts. This belongs to the important Collection des principaux economistes, 4 vols., 1843-1848. Barbier, Journal historique et anecdotique du regne de Louis XV, 4 vols. (Societe de l'histoire de France). One of the most important of the memoirs ; closes about the year 1 763, and gives a lively picture of the Ancien Regime from the standpoint of a lawyer. Among the other well- known memoirs for Louis XVI's reign are those of Madame de Cam- pan, Seguier, Weber, Besenval, Bertrand de Moleville, Augeard, — all by the pens of what the Revolution later branded as " aristocrats." Also Mhnoires et Correspondance du general Lafayette, 6 vols., 1 837-1 838. See bibliographies in Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VIII, pp. 791 sqq. ; Histoire generate, Vol. VII, pp. 367 sqq. and 648^^. Also at the close of Lowell, The Eve of the French Revolution.