Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/438

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400 Readings in European History Freedom of the press. permit that it be hereafter interfered with by arbitrary orders for imprisonment. . . . 14. Freedom should be granted also to the press, which should however be subjected, by means of strict regulations, to the principles of religion, morality, and public decency. . . . 60. The third estate of the district of Carcassonne places its trust, for the rest, in the zeal, patriotism, honor, and probity of its deputies in the National Assembly in all mat- ters which may accord with the beneficent views of his Majesty, the welfare of the kingdom, the union of the three estates, and the public peace. 395. The opening of the Estates General. (From Madame de Campan's Memoirs.) Mirabeau and the court. II. The Opening of the Estates General in 1789 Madame de Campari, one of the queen's ladies in wait- ing, gives some account in her well-known Memoirs of the arrival of the deputies of the third estate and of their prejudice against Marie Antoinette and the court. The Estates General opened May 4. For the last time the queen appeared in royal magnificence. . . . The first session of the Estates was held next day. The king deliv- ered his address with assurance and dignity. The queen told me that he gave the matter much attention, and rehearsed his speech frequently in order to be quite master of the intonations of his voice. His Majesty gave public indica- tions of his attachment and deference for the queen, who was applauded ; but it was easy to see that the applause was really meant for the king alone. From the very early sessions it was clear that Mirabeau would prove very dangerous to the government. It is alleged that he revealed at this time to the king, and more particu- larly to the queen, a part of the plans he had in mind, and the conditions upon which he would abandon them. He had already exhibited the weapons with which his eloquence and audacity furnished him, in order that he might open