Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/476

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43 8 Readings in European History IV. The Legislative Assembly and the Enemies of the Revolution The early months of the Legislative Assembly were mainly occupied with the policy to be pursued toward three classes of opponents to the Revolution, — the run- away nobles, the foreign powers, who seemed ready to aid them, and, at home, the members of the clergy, who refused to support the new constitution. The king was also regarded with the greatest suspicion. Since the flight to Varennes and the Declaration of Pillnitz it seemed clear to both the Assembly and the people at large that the king was in all probability relying upon help from foreign powers. That they were quite right in this assumption has since been proved by the discov- ery of letters like the following which Louis was at the time secretly dispatching to his fellow-monarchs. My Brother: Paris ' December 3. *79i. 407. Letter I have learned through M. du Moustier of the interest of Louis XVI w hich your Majesty has expressed not only in my person of Prussia 2 but a ^ so m ^ e we lf are °f m y kingdom. In giving me these suggesting proofs, the attitude of your Majesty has, in all cases where foreign inter- y 0ur interest might prove advantageous to my people, excited French m y lively appreciation. I confidently take advantage of it affairs. at this time when, in spite of the fact that I have accepted the new constitution, seditious leaders are openly exhibit- ing their purpose of entirely destroying the remnants of the monarchy. I have just addressed myself to the emperor, the empress of Russia, and to the kings of Spain and Swe- den ; I am suggesting to them the idea of a congress of the chief powers of Europe, supported by an armed force, as the best means- of checking seditious parties, of establishing a more desirable order of things, and of preventing the evil which afflicts us from reaching the other states of Europe.