Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/500

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462 Readings in European History Burke and Thomas Paine. Young, Arthur, Travels (see above, p. 373), for the opening of the Estates General. Morris, Gouverneur, Diary and Letters, 2 vols., 1888. Observa- tions of an American. The Correspondence of William Augustus Miles on the French Revo- lution, 178Q-1817, 2 vols., 1890. Pasquier, History of my Ti?ne, Memoirs, 1893-1894, Vol. I. Rigby, E., Letters from France in ij8g, 1880. Mallet du Pan, Memoirs and Correspondence, ed. Sayous, 2 vols., 1852. Fersen, Diary and Correspondence relating to the Court of France, 1892. Most of the memoirs mentioned below, p. 531, relating mainly to the Napoleonic period, have something to say of the Revolution, and the same may be said for those mentioned above, p. 396. Some notion of the attitude of certain conservative Englishmen toward the Revolution may be found in Burke's famous Reflections on the French Revolution, — a wild and indiscriminate attack upon the whole movement. It was answered by Thomas Paine in his celebrated tract, The Rights of Man, a defense of the cause of the people. C. Material for advanced study. Sorel's great work. AULARD, L 1 Histoire politique de la revolution francaise, 1789-1804, 1901. Recent, and by one who has devoted years to a sympathetic study of the revolutionary movement. Sorel, Albert, U Europe et la Revolution francaise, 8 vols, (com- ing down to 181 5), 188 5-1904, Vols. II-IV. This extraordinary work supersedes all others on the subject. While it is a history of the effects of the Revolution throughout Europe, it contains excellent chap- ters on the course of events in Paris and France. The later volumes cover the Napoleonic period. Jaures, Histoire socialiste, ij8q-jooo. Vols. I-IV by Jaures on Constituante, Legislative et Convention jusqu^aug Thermidor ; and Vol. V by Deville, Du g Thermidor au 18 Brumaire. Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la revolution et de P empire, ifSg-iSij, 2 vols., 1899. Useful work of reference. Special works. Cherest, La Chute de Pancien regime, 3 vols., 1 884-1 886 (uncom- pleted). A very detailed study of the years 1786-1789. Champion, La France d'apres les cahiers de i?8g. Admirable. Chassin, Le Genie de la revolution, 2 vols., 1863-1865. A study of the cahiers.