Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/523

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Napoleon Bonaparte 485 following places : Diisseldorf, Ehrenbreitstein, Phillipsburg, the fortress of Cassel and other fortifications across from Mayence on the right bank of the stream, and the fortress of Kiel and Alt-Breisach, under the express provision that these places and forts shall continue to exist in the state in which they are left at the time of the evacuation. VII. Since, in consequence of this cession made by the Dispossessed empire to the French republic, various princes and states of German the empire find themselves individually dispossessed in part indemnified or wholly of their territory, and since the German empire within the should collectively support the losses resulting from the stip- em P ire - ulations of the present treaty, it is agreed between his Maj- esty the emperor and king, — both on his part and upon the part of the German empire, — and the French republic, that, in accordance with the principles laid down at the Congress of Rastadt, the empire shall be bound to furnish the hereditary princes who have lost possessions upon the left bank of the Rhine an indemnity within the empire according to such arrangements as shall be determined later in accordance with the stipulations here made. . . . XL The present treaty of peace, ... is declared to be New states common to the Batavian, Helvetian, Cisalpine, and Ligurian *° ** n ' ... . . ,. eluded in republics. I he contracting parties mutually guarantee the the treaty, independence of the said republics and the freedom of the inhabitants of the said countries to adopt such form of government as they shall see fit. XII. His Majesty the emperor and king renounces for cisalpine himself and for his successors in favor of the Cisalpine re P ubllc - republic all rights and titles depending upon such rights, which his Majesty might assert over the territories in Italy which he possessed before the war and which, according to the terms of Article VIII of the Treaty of Campo-Formio, now form a part of the Cisalpine republic. . . . XIX. The present treaty shall be ratified by his Majesty the emperor and king, the empire, and the French republic within a period of thirty days, or sooner, if possible, and it is further understood that the armies of the two powers shall remain in their present positions, both in Germany