Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/585

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Europe after the Congress of Vienna 547 The members of the Confederation pledge themselves likewise not to make war among themselves upon any pre- tense, or to follow up their contentions with force, but to submit these to the Diet. It shall devolve upon this body to attempt arbitration by means of a commission. Should this fail and a judicial decision become necessary, the same shall be effected through a well-organized court of arbitration, to the decision of which the conflicting parties shall forthwith submit. 1 The extreme phase in the spirit of reaction was reached in Germany when the laws given below were enacted by the Diet. Using the murder of Kotzebue as an excuse, Metternich called a conference of the larger states of the Confederation at Carlsbad (Bohemia) in August, 1 8 19. Here a series of resolutions were drawn up, with the aim of checking the free expression of opinions hostile to existing institutions and of discovering and bringing to justice conspirators, who were supposed to exist in dangerous numbers. These Carlsbad Resolu- tions were laid before the Diet, which, under Austria's influence, reluctantly ratified them. 1. A special representative of the ruler of each state 461. Chief shall be appointed for each university, with appropriate p 5 0v i sl ° n f °? instructions and extended powers, and shall reside in the Resolutions place where the university is situated. This office may as ratified devolve upon the existing curator or upon any other in- /September dividual whom the government may deem qualified. 20 1819). The function of this agent shall be to see to the strictest enforcement of existing laws and disciplinary regulations ; to observe carefully the spirit which is shown by the in- structors in the university in their public lectures and 1 The "special provisions" which follow are omitted. The most important of these, and one which later caused much discussion, was Article XIII, which read: "A constitution based upon the system of estates shall take place {statt finden) in all the states of the union."