Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/606

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5 68 Readings iii European History 474. Marshal Radetzky encourages his soldiers. Milan, January 18, 1848. His Majesty the emperor, being determined according to his rights and duties to defend the Lombardo- Venetian king- dom, as well as every other part of his dominions, against all attacks of an enemy, either from without or from within, has permitted me to make this, his resolve, known to all the troops of the army stationed in Italy. He is persuaded that his intentions will meet with the firmest support in the valor and fidelity of the army. Soldiers, you have heard the words of the emperor ; I am proud to make them known to you. Against your fidelity and your valor the efforts of fanaticism and the infidel spirit of innovation will be broken like brittle glass against solid rock. The sword which I have borne with honor in so many bat- tles during sixty-five years is still eager for action. I shall know how to make use of it to defend the tranquillity of a country a short time since most happy, and which a mad faction now seeks to plunge into misery. Soldiers, our emperor relies upon you ; your old general trusts you : let this suffice. Let them not force us to unfold the banner of the double-headed eagle, for the strength of its talons is yet unimpaired. Let our motto be, Defense and tranquillity to faithful and friendly citizens and destruction to the enemy who shall dare with a treacherous hand to dis- turb the peace and welfare of nations. The present order of the day shall be announced to all the corps in their respective languages. On March 22, 1848, Radetzky, in spite of his boasts, was forced to evacuate Milan, and the provisional govern- ment which had been established there appealed to the king of Sardinia for aid. Sacred Majesty : Milan, March 23, 1848. We have vanquished the enemy who occupied the city. He left the castle last night and marched towards Verona, but he is not yet far from the capital and is marking every