Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/609

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Unification of Germany and Italy 571 in preparing a revision of the constitution drawn up by the deputies at Frankfort, who had been very generally discredited by the conduct of the radical and republican factions. To my People: Taking as a pretense the interests of Germany, the ene- mies of the fatherland have raised the standard of revolt, first in the neighboring Saxony, then in several districts of south Germany. To my deep chagrin, even in parts of our own land some have permitted themselves to be seduced into following this standard and attempting, in open rebel- lion against the legal government, to overturn the order of things established by both divine and human sanction. In so serious and dangerous a crisis I am moved publicly to address a word to my people. I was not able to return a favorable reply to the offer of a crown on the part of the German National Assembly, because the Assembly has not the right, without the con- sent of the German governments, to bestow the crown which they tendered me, and, moreover, because they offered the crown upon condition that I would accept a constitution which could not be reconciled with the rights and safety of the German states. I have exhausted every means to reach an understanding with the German National Assembly. . . . Now the Assembly has broken with Prussia. The majority of its members are no longer those men upon whom Germany looked with pride and confidence. The greater part of the deputies voluntarily left the Assembly when they saw that it was on the road to ruin, and yesterday I ordered all the Prussian deputies who had not already withdrawn to be recalled. The other gov- ernments will do the same. A party now dominates the Assembly which is in league with the terrorists. While they urge the unity of Germany as a pretense, they are really fighting the battle of god- lessness, perjury, and robbery, and kindling a war against 478. The king of Prussia refuses the crown ten- dered him by the Frankfort Assembly (May 15, 1849). Conduct of the republi- can radicals.