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624 Readings in European History Vindiistrie en France de i?8q a 1870, 2 vols., 2d ed., 1903-1904; Rae, Conte??iporary Socialism, 1901 ; Marx, Das Xapital, 3 vols. : Vol. I trans- lated by Moore and Aveling, London, 1887, and subsequent editions. A continuation of the translation is announced. This is a very remark- able work, the text-book of most socialistic leaders. The most important encyclopaedias dealing with economic matters are : Palgrave, Diction- ary of Political Economy, 3 vols., 1894-1899, and Conrad, Handworter- buch der Staatswissenschaften, 7 vols., 1898— 190 1. Political and Scholarly treatises on the constitutions of the European states are to constitutional | 3e found in Marquardsen, Handbuch des offentlichen Rechts, 1883 saa -> — a series of volumes by specialists ; Burgess, Political Science and Com- parative Constitutional Law, 2 vols., 1900, — a remarkable comparative study of the constitutions of France, Great Britain, Germany, and the United States. For the administrative organization, see Goodnow, Comparative Administrative Law, 2 vols., 1902. The leading authority for England is Anson, Law and Custom of the Constitutio7i, 2 vols., 1892; but compare Bagehot, The English Constitution (admirably written), and Dicey's suggestive Law of the Constitution, which has a chapter on the contrast between the spirit of the English and of the French government. Bodley, France, 2 vols., 1898 ; Robinson, The German Bu?idesrath, Philadelphia, 1891 ; Leroy-Beaulieu, The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians, 3 vols., 1898. For the important matter of international arbitration, see Holls, The Peace Co?iference at The Hague, 1900. Imperialism. A useful but not exhaustive bibliography of materials on imperialism will be found in Griffin, List of Books relating to the Theory of Coloni- zation, Government of Dependencies, Protectorates, and Related Topics, 1900. Leroy-Beaulieu, De la colonisation chez les peuples moderties, 1898: best account in moderate compass of recent European coloniza- tion. The British Empire Series, 1899— 1902, 5 vols.: a collection of lec- tures by specialists describing British possessions. Official materials are contained in the British Parliamentary Papers (" Blue books "). Ram- baud, La France coloniale, 1895 : historical and descriptive. Arnaud and Meray, Les Colonies francaises, 1900 : recent concise account. Annuaire colonial, since 1888 : official French publication. Hassert, Deutschlands Kolonien, 1898: brief historical and descriptive work. Extensive materials are incorporated in the official " Weissbiichery Krausse, The Far East: its History and its Questions, 1900: brief account of recent Oriental affairs, with an appendix of important docu- ments and bibliography of authorities. Skrine and Ross, The Heart of Asia, 1899 : valuable for Russian Turkestan and central Asian territories.