Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/667

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Index 629 "Rump "Parliament dispersed, 247. Russia, rise of, 301 sqq.; reforms of Peter the Great, 310 sqq. Russian campaign, 514 sqq. Sacraments, 159; rejected by Luther, 81. St. Bartholomew, Massacre of, 179 sqq., 187. St. Helena, Napoleon on, 527 sqq. Saint-Just, ideas of, 452 sq. St. Petersburg, founding of, 309 sq. Saints, adoration of, 41 sq., 157 sq. Saint-Simon, opinions of, 285 sqq., 291 sqq., 295 sqq. Savonarola, 7 sq. Scholastic theologians, 43 sq. Science, development of, 599 sqq. ; applied, 60S sqq. Sedan, battle of, 590 sqq. Segur, 37 1 sqq. Serfdom in Germany, 96, 99 sq.; abolition of, in Prussia, 520 sqq. Seven Years' War, 322 sqq. Sevigne, Madame de, 283 sq., 291. Ship of Fools, The, yj sqq. Sieyes, 403. Sobieski, 312 sqq. Social Contract, The, Rousseau's, 384 sqq. Social democracy, 615 sqq. Socialism, 617 sqq. Society of Jesus, see Jesuits. Spain, description of by Guicciar- dini, 24 sqq. Napoleon's reforms in, 510 sqq. Spanish Succession, the, War of, 293 sqq. Sports, Declaration of, 228 sqq. Stael, Madame de, 360 sqq. Star Chamber, Court of, 238. Streltsi, 304 sqq. Stuarts, restoration of, 253 sqq. Supremacy, Act of, 141 sq. Surgery, modern, 614. Swiss at Marignano, 19 sqq. Sybel, 586. Talleyrand, 533 sqq. Temple, Sir William, on France, 280 sqq. Terror, reign of, 452 sqq. Theses, ninety-five, of Martin Lu- ther, 57 sqq. Thirty Years' War, 200 sqq. Tithes, 96 ; abolition of, in France, 406. Torcy, marquis of, 293 sqq. Transportation, modern, 610 sqq. Transubstantiation, 82 sq. Treasury of the Church, 56, 60. Trent, catechism of, 160, 195; Council of, 156 sqq. Trianon, 401. Troppau, circular note of, 552 sqq. Turgot, 368, 386 sqq. Turks besiege Vienna, 312 sqq. "■ Twelve Articles " of the peasants, 94 sqq.; Luther's comments on, 99^. Uniformity, Act of, 256 sq. Vadiscus, 70 sq. Varennes, flight to, 428 sqq. Venetia, 567 sqq. Venetian ambassadors, relations of, 30. Venice, republic of, 3 sq., 474, 484. Versailles, 373 sq. Victor Emmanuel, 569, 574 sq., .577 sq. Vienna, besieged by Turks, 312 sqq. ; Congress of, 533 sqq. ; revolt of, in 1S48, 565 sqq. Voltaire, 380 sqq. Wallenstein, 205 sqq. War of Liberation, 518 sqq. Westminster Confession, 126, note, 128. Westphalia, Treaty of, 213 sqq.; pope's condemnation of, 21 4 sqq. William I of Prussia, 580 sqq. William the Silent, 174 sqq. " Winter King," 204 sq. Wolsey, 138 sqq. Worms, Edict of, 83 sqq. Young, Arthur, Travels of, 365, 373 W-> 402 sqq. Zollverein, 550 sq. Zurich, disputation at, 118 sqq. Zwingli, 118 sqq.