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Germany before the Protestant Revolt 51 BIBLIOGRAPHY Political Conditions in Germany : Johnson, Europe in the Six- teenth Century, pp. 106-128; Henderson, Short History of Germany, Vol. I, Chapter X, pp. 228-250; Cambridge Modem History, Vol. I, Chapter IX, pp. 288-328 ; Dyer, Modem Europe, Vol. I, pp. 22-33. Religious Conditions : Cambridge Modem History, Vol. I, Chapter XIX, pp. 653-692 (" The Eve of the Reformation," by Henry C. Lea). Intellectual Conditions : Whitcomb, Source Book of the German Renaissance. Contains extracts from the writings of the humanists. A. Refer- ences. Creighton, History of the Papacy, Vol. VI, Chapter I, " Human- ism in Germany " ; Chapter II, " The Reuchlin Struggle." Beard, Martin Luther, Chapter I, " Political Conditions of the Empire"; Chapter II, "The Religious Life of Germany"; Chapter III, "The Renaissance in Germany." Janssen, History of the German People, Vols. I, II, and III (first half). A very suggestive and readable treatment by a famous Catholic scholar. Ranke, History of the Reformation in Germany (an English trans- lation of the first half of the German original), Vol. I, pp. 85-342. A care- ful account of the attempts to reform the German constitution before Luther's appearance. Emerton, Desiderius Erasmus. An admirable biography, with many extracts from Erasmus' writings. Froude, in his Life and Letters of Erasmus, gives a loose paraphrase of a number of Erasmus' letters. Nichols, The Epistles of Erasmus (1901-1904), 2 vols. An excellent annotated translation of the letters written before 1517. Strauss, D. F., Ulrich von Hutten, his Life and Times. Translated from the German (1874); a good account of the whole humanistic movement. B. Addi- tional read ing in English. Bezold, Geschichte der deutschen Reformation (Oncken Series), 1890, C. Materials pp. 1-259, on Germany before the Protestant Revolt. Fair in spirit, for advanced excellent in scholarship, and well illustrated, but unfortunately gives ' y ' no references to the sources. Egelhaaf, Deutsche Geschichte im sechszehnten fahrhundert bis zum Augsburger Religionsfrieden, 2 vols., 1 889-1 892. A scholarly Protestant counterblast to some of Janssen's conclusions.