Now shining forth, thou mad'st compliant
The conscript fathers to thy charms,
Roused the world-bestriding giant,
Sinking fast in Slavery's arms!
I see thee stand by freedom's fane,
Pouring the persuasive strain,
Giving vast conceptions birth:
Hark! I hear thy thunders sound,
Shake the Forum round and round
Shake the pillars of the earth!
First-born of Liberty divine!
Put on Religion's bright array:
Speak! and the starless grave shall shine
The portal of eternal day!
Rise, kindling with the orient beam,
Let Calvary's hill inspire the theme,
Unfold the garments roll'd in blood!
Oh, touch the soul---touch all her chords
With all thy omnipotence of words,
And point the way to heaven---to God
Ye crag's and peaks, I'm with you once again!
I hold to you the hands you first beheld,
To show they still are free. Methinks I hear
A spirit in your echoes answer me,
And bid your tenant welcome to his home
Again!- O sacred forms, how proud you look!
How high you lift your heads into the sky!