Deep horror then my vitals froze,
Death-struck, I ceas'd the tide to stem;
When suddenly a star arose,---
It was the star of Bethlehem.
It was my guide, my light, my all,
It bade my dark forebodings cease;
And, through the storm and danger's thrall,
It led me to the port of peace.
Now safely moor'd---my perils o'er,
I'll sing, first in night's diadem
For ever and for evermore,
The Star!---The Star of Bethlehem!
Two honest tradesmen meeting in the Strand,
One took the other briskly by the hand-
'Hark ye,' said he ' 'tis an odd story this
'About the crows!'---'I don't know what it is,'
Reply'd his friend; 'No! I'm surpris'd at that,
Where I come from it is the common chat;
But you shall hear:---an odd affair indeed,
And that it happen'd they are all agreed.
Not to detain you from a thing so strange,
A gentleman that lives not far from 'Change,
This week, in short, as all the Alley knows,
Taking a puke has thrown up three black crows!
Impossible! 'Nay, but 'tis really true;
I have it from good hands, and so may you.'
From whose, I pray?' so having nam'd the man,
Straight to enquire, his curious comrade ran.
Sir did you tell?'---relating the affair---