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Lady! you weep--ah! this to me:
You'll give me clothing, food, employ;
Look down, dear parents! look and see
Your happy---happy Orphan Boy!



A farmer's lease contain'd a flaw,
To mend it he appeal'd to law,
Dear-bought experience told him plain
That law without a fee was vain;
And that, to clear his counsel's tone, he
Must bribe him with meat or money.

One morn he calls his clown-in-chief,
"Here, take this pig to Lawyer Brief."
The clown (unlike his wife, they say,)
Could both be silent and obey:
The pig secured within a sack,
At ease hang dangling from his back;
This loaded, straight to town he went,
With many an awkward compliment.

A half-way house convenient stood,
Where host was kind, and ale was good:
In steps the clown, and calls to Cecil---
"A quart of stout, to whit my whistle!"
Eased of his load he takes a chair,
And quaffs oblivion to all care.

Three artful wags accost the clown,
And ask his errand up to town.
With potent ale his heart grown warm,
Which, drunk or sober, meant no harm;
He told them plainly whence he came,---

His master and the lawyer's name;