Page:Recollections of John Howard Redfield.djvu/18

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I. Patern?! Ances? ................ Fl. ?aternal Ances?-? ................. 23 IH. Birthplace and Earliest Recollections--Death of My Mother .................... 29 IV. Early Recollections of My Father--His Second Mar- riage--Death of His Second Wife ....... 4o V. Great Gale of September, I82I--Journey to Stock- bridge with My Father--Visit from My Grand- mother from Ohio .............. 44 VI. Boyhood's Training and Experiences ....... 49 VII. Schools: District and Others ........... 55 VIII. Old Meeting-House ............... 76 IX. Connecticut Farmers ............... 86 X. Maritime Trade of Connecticut .......... 9? XI. Mechanical Trades, Professions, etc ........ 98 XII. The Country Storekeeper and Old-Fashioned Cur- rency ..................... Io9 XIII. Village Life from I82I to x827--Its Simplicity and Equality; Its General Intelligence--Books-- l?riendly Association--My Early Reading. . x ?4 XIV. Domestic Economy--Village Improvements?Fes- tival Seasons--Election Week; Training Days; Independence Day; Thanksgiving Day--Modes of Travel and Communication--Coinage and Currency ................... I24 XV. Sweet Potato Culture--Steam Navigation--l?ranldin Kelsey- Steamboat "Experiment" and Her History--(?82 x-x822) .............. I47 XVI. Hartford Printing Office--Building of Steamboat "Oliver Ellsworth"--My Father's Illness in New York--My Winter Journey Thither--Fulton's and Livingston's Steamboat Monopoly Destroyed --My Father's Recovery--My l?irst Impressions

of New York--(?823-?824) ............ I54