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torn the bed to pieces to get a blanket for my bundle. The baby basket all dainty and wait- ing is on the steamer trunk beside our bed. Will it cradle my little one? If it is born out in the open, at least it won't be cold, for I have taken from the basket the knitted blanket you sent me and the package of fragrant clothing inside the tiny sheet. For some time I have had clothes ready there for after the first bath. I tied up the bundle with our double blanket, but it was too heavy for me. I have rear- ranged it with a small blanket, tied corner- wise. In it are diapers, a piece of tape steril- ized and a pair of surgical scissors wrapped in gauze, a length of uncut flannel, and that is all. This will be heavy enough: for I must save Herbert's thesis, and that in its filing case is a pretty solid weight. Precious thesis it won him his fellowship, and if there is any future, that thesis must go to Paris. Poor lit- tle Mariam out there in the carriage house how I pitied her this evening. Was it only [126]

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