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myself on the bed and cried. Then I remem- bered Mary, and was ashamed of myself.

Just for something to do I have tried to go back over the day and put it down for you. People have come in. When they saw I was writing they went away. Now Mother Chris- tie arrives to tell me that I simply must come and eat. They have managed to get a real meal together the first in two days. It is way after six o'clock.

April eighteenth.

Herbert did not go to Mersina. He came back last night or rather I brought him back. At supper a meal of sorrow Daddy Chris- tie received a telegram. The lines are work- ing. That has been a mystery these past few days. They stopped the railway, but why didn't they cut the telegraph? And, in the midst of killing and looting and burning, we have received telegrams delivered coolly by an [143]

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