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der the fence. He soon had Blue Lady as excited as himself and together they fairly made the earth fly. Redcoat would dig down in the hole until he became exhausted and out of breath, while Blue Lady would throw the dirt back towards the middle of the pen, then she would take her turn digging while Redcoat threw the dirt back. Feverishly they worked. The task seemed endless. They dug and dug and dug, while the dirt flew back beneath their feet. Finally about three o'clock in the morning, when Redcoat had despaired of ever finding his way to the green grass on the further side of the fence, his frantically working paws went through the sod and a little later he enlarged the hole, with the help of Blue Lady who was throwing the dirt back. In another half hour he had made the opening large enough so that both of them escaped into the outer incisure. But Redcoat's work was not all done. His freedom was still beyond another fence. This was the guard fence which encircled the farm some fifty feet beyond the pens. As soon as Redcoat examined this