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At length on Ainmon's rugged heights they stand, Salute fair Hesebon, in Jordan's stream Enlave their travell'd limbs, thence, Salem greet, And at her lordly gates loud knock and ask "Where is he who is born King of the Jews ? For in the East his guiding star we saw, And come the royal Infant to adore."

Fear seiz'd the craven hearts of Juda's sons, As the strange asking of the Magi pass'd Through all the ways of Solyma. Stealthy At first, their words were borne, in whispers low Upon the evening air, and blanch'd the cheek ; Then grew in louder murmurs, as they sped From low to high, from high to him, who sat On David's throne and ruled with iron rod. So brews the gath'ring storm ; the quiet air, The gentle wind, a distant flash, with sounds Low mutt' ring, far between, then furious rush The elements, in angry torrents down. For, though the heart of Salem long'd to see The halo of Messias' rising day, And, versed profoundly in prophetic lore, Knew that its dawn could not be long delay'd; Yet, steep'd in guilt, and drench'd in prophets' blood, Chain'd to the Edomites ensanguin'd throne, They quick presage their tyrant's kindling ire, And dread the sound of Israel's Saviour come. The echoed words "For we have seen his star Rise in the East, and him have come to adore," Sank deep in Herod's guilty breast, troubl'd him, And with him all Jerusalem dismay'd. The vassal's crown upon the monarch's brow,

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