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No help from him receive in reckless need, But swift the forfeit of their rashness pay."

As burst the withs by which the Nazarite Was bound, so this true Nazarite the bonds Of Satan thus, nor with more effort, broke; Or, as the shepherd youth, with pebbles ta'en From brook, Philistia's champion subdued, So Jesus struck his Adversary dumb. Perplex' d ; abash'd, the Devil silent stands, A moment stands, then redient to the charge, With power permissive, taketh him from thence, And placed him on a mount exceeding high. With force concentred in his fav'rite aim, He now, facund, the Son of God attempts With pride, ambition, lust of place and power, Which him first led t' essay th' Almighty's throne; Then, more successful, this our mundane sphere. By power theurgic, or angelic ken, For spirits know no obstacle to sight, Opaque, translucent, or condense, or rare, Through all they see, and through all equal roam, He spreads the world before Him as a plane; Shows him earth's kingdoms, and their power displays :

" Let thine eye roam," so he began perfuse, "O'er Ganges ancient stream, which 'fore thee rolls Its shining waters to the Indian sea. Behold the fields by that rich flood enlaved, Whose gemboss'd banks, azure jazel produce, Topaz, jacinth, the onyx, precious stones, Ruby, turquoise, coral, and orient pearl. The glory view of Thibet, Ormus, Ind, Wealthy Chinese, and gold Chersonesus;

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