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��And sinful Eve a perfect counterpart,

Replete with grace, immaculate, shall find.

Abdiel, faithful alike 'midst faithful

Or perverse, new proof of faithfulness 'tis

Thine to give, none doubting, but task so high,

Behooves the care of whom his faithfulness

Hath nobly proved; trustworthiness appraise

Not mean. Thou know'st my servant Joachim,

The Nazarene, a perfect man, who walks,

He and his loyal spouse, in all the ways

Of God's commands, upright and pure. Him, sad,

In pray'r devoutly contrite, now behold.

Go thou, and with him talk, as friend with friend,

Familiar; tell him that his pray'r is heard,

That what he asks is granted; more than asks

Is granted, and long since decreed to .vorth

Approved in heav'n; dimly reveal tb- plan

Of grace celestial, now vouchsafed to man;

And further, what concerns him well to know,

Wisely disclose; the rest, discreet withhold.

Deem not this service light, nor unopposed;

Th' accursed spirit every toil will try,

Each avenue attempt, with hope to mar

The fairest issue of Almighty power;

Will try, but fail, addoom'd to greater wrath.

With this thy mission ends, at eve return;

To Gabriel leave the rest, with legions arm'd,

Who now encamps around the chosen seed,

Appointed guardian of this new made germ."

Thus ended, all the heav'nly choirs dispersed; Each to his sev'ral post instant repair'd, Sweetly submissive, yet desirous each

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