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Blessed they, who suffer persecution,

Are reviled, ev'l spok'n against untruly,

For my sake; rejoice, for great is your reward

In heav'n, where you the kingdom shall possess.

Salt of the earth are ye, light of the world,

A city set on high ; your savor keep,

Let your light shine, that all may see your works.

Keep the commandments, ev'n the least, and teach

Mankind to do what your example sets.

Be angry not ; nor call another fool.

Your gift before the altar lay, depart,

And with your adversary first agree,

Then come and offer to the Lord your vows.

Nor swear, nor forswear; let your speech be yea,

And nay ; and suffer, but revenge not wrong.

Love ev'n your enemies; to them that hate,

Do good ; and pray for those who persecute,

And base calumniate your name and deeds.

Do naught for praise of men ; before your alms,

The trumpet do not sound, nor let your left,

Know what your right hand does, and he, who seeth

In secret, will you openly reward.

Nor be your pray'rs with ostentation said ;

But when you pray, pray secretly, and say

Our Father, who in heaven art, thy name

Be hallow'd ev'r. Thy kingdom come. Thy will

Be done on earth as 'tis in heav'n. Give us

This day our daily bread. Our debts forgive,

As we our debtors. Into temptation

Lead us not. Deliver us from evil.

Thus pray, and fast; not as the hypocrites,

With sad, disfigured face, but head anoint,

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