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And of the comely maid received, with all, Who journey'd in his train. But Lucia said :

" How is 't, that thou, a Jew, dost ask to drink Of me, who am Samaritan ? Thou know'st, Or ought to know, since Persia's greatest king, The tribes restored, who on Garizim built, Where all men should the Father strict adore, (Though you say at Jerusalem's the place,) The sons of Juda with Samaritans Communicate not, nor observe their law."

Thus she ; to whom the Merciful replied :

" If thou didst know the gift of God, and who It is, that saith to thee Give me to drink, Thou would'st, perhaps, have gladly ask'd of him, That he to thee would living water give. Who drinks of this, though cool and crystal clear, Shall thirst again ; but, of the water, he That drinks, which I will give, shall ne'er thirst more ; For in him it shall rise, a living fount, A well-spring unto everlasting life. Believe me, for the hour draws near, yea is, When on this mount, nor at Jerusalem Alone, ye shall the Father's name adore. Ye worship what ye know not ; but we know, For only is salvation of the Jews. God is a spirit; and, who him adore, Must thus adore in spirit and in truth."

With words like these, the Chief of seers spake, Held her amazed, while he her life portray'd, II in Gospel shadow'd, its true spirit preach'd, And from the elemental flood, upraised Her easy thoughts to that pure fount, which flows

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