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la sadden'd plight, with all her life reveal'd; Proof to her mind, that he the Christ should be. By this absorb'd, no longer she delays, But turning, hastively to Sichar flees, There tells the wond'ring people all she heard, And earnest bade them, ardent in her hope, Come see a Man, who hath my life disclosed; Behold, and say if this be not the Christ.

Astonish'd at her speech the people rise; They come, they see, they hear, and own the Lord; More from the words he spoke in their behalf, Than for the woman's words, who first believed. Tarry'ing awhile, with meats refresh'd his chos'n, Knew not, Messias thence departs, once more Through Galilee to wend his weary way. Familiar with the Twelve, he holds discourse, Unfolds the scriptures, prophecies explains, Compendious reveals the Gospel's plan, And all the suff'rings that his life must crown. Shows them that he must to Jerusalem Repair, be there as felon seized by scribes, By ancients, and chief priests ; there be condemn'd, And put to death ; but that, triumphant o'er The grave, he on the third day should arise.

" Let him ;" for so the heav'nly Teacher said ; " Let him then, who would follow me, himself Deny, take up his cross, and thus pursue; For who his life would save, his life shall lose; But who, for my sake, will his life resign, The same shall save. But naught shall profit him, Who g;iins the world, and casts himself away. And he, who is ashamed of me, or words,

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