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Until he had arisen from the dead ;

Then, brief discoursing, thus beguiled their ear :

"These things the Father hides from worldly wise, But to the meek his mysteries unfolds ; None but th' omniscient Father knows the Son, And those, to whom the Son himself reveals. Prophets. and kings have long'd to see the things, Which you behold, but died without the sight ; To hear these things, but not the priv'lege found. And now, up to Jerusalem, I go, To do and suffer, as hath been fortold." [breath'd,

Spring now had twice with fragrance sweet, soft On Juda's fertile soil, and gaily thrown Her emerald robe of beauty 'cross the fields, With Flora's glowing train enamell'd o'er, Since Jesus had his heav'nly mission oped j The third, he bent his steps tow'rds Sion's hill. Perfumed the air was with Jasrnina's breath, With Hybla's thyme, and Cacia's spicy lobes ; Her golden circles 'round Amellus flung, And fill'd her cups with Carmel's crystal dew; Balsam and fir, by clust'ring ivy twined, On each green slope and russet mead disposed, From scented blossoms sweetest airs exhaled. Here, shaded alleys, tall with cypress grew; There, leafy elms spread, willows pendent hung, Till purple vines, their broad leaves flexile threw Around their leafy tops, a pleasing shade. More pleasing now, illumined by those rays, Which round the Saviour's sacred head still glow, The beams of heav'n, on Thabor's top assumed. Native to Him, but to that prophet lent,

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