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Beams on the favour'd Twelve ; whilst thus to them, These heav'nly words, serenely he address'd, And thence the mystic Sacrifice endows:

" This Pasch, I have desired to eat with you, Before I suffer and from hence depart. The time is now, and I no more will eat Of it with you, until my kingdom comes. The Son of Man shall soon be glorified ; But as, ere wheat springs up and brings forth fruit, It dies, so must it be with him, who speaks. What shall I say- Father, save me from this hour ? But 'tis for this cause, I to this hour come. Nay rather Father glorify thy name. Now is the judgement of this world begun ; Now shall the prince of darkness be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from earth, Will from the height draw all things to myself. Remember what erewhile 1 said to you I am the living bread from heav'n come down ; Of which, who eats, the same fore'er shall live. Behold the myst'ry of redeeming love ! The bread that I now give you is my flesh. Except ye eat my flesh, and drink my blood, No life shall in you be. But he that eats, And he that drinks, hath everlasting life, And I will raise him up at the last day. My flesh is meat, my blood is drink indeed; Of these, who eats and drinks, abides in me. As now the living Father me hath sent, And as by him I live, so, who me eats, The same shall live by me, and never die. The Spirit quick'neth; flesh no profit hath;


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