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Prostrate adore him, known before his time, And loud the universal chorus hymn Blessed is he, who cometh, Israel's Lord; Hosanna to the Son of David, King; Hosanna in the highest; praise and pow'r, Be to the Father, Son, and Spirit, giv'n.

Triumphant thence, the Preacher with his fruits, A royal line of kings and priests to God, Fully redeemed, and from the fire withdrawn, Purer than gold when sev'n times o'er refin'd, Retraced his way celestial, back to earth. With him, the resurrection morn they hail, Through Salem walk, her sacred courts retread, Appear to many, held in dread amaze, Who own'd Messias come, and him adored.

Thus, (whilst on earth, they mourn the Saviour dead, And decent lay his body in the tomb,) Jesus in spirit all his work completes; Withdraws the sting of Death, o'erpowers hell, Captivity leads captive, dragg'd in chains; On men of good will, gifts of grace bestows, Re-opens wide the golden gates of heav'n, Nor more delays, his body to resume.


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