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All men had gone astray, had turn'd aside, And on him fell the punishment of all. Such was his will, he offer'd up himself, Just for the unjust, all to bring to God. Yet, when accused, as sheep to slaughter led, As lamb before his shearers dumb, no word Did he essay, nor open'd he his mouth. They part his garments, for his vest cast lots, Quench his parch'd lips with vinegar and gall, And wond'ring, gaze on him, whom they had slain.' So was the Orient graven, cut, transpierced, Mangled with whips, and thorns, and nails, and spear From judgment and distress was ta'en away, Strick'n for his people, from the land cut off, Among th' ungodly then his burial found, His sepulchre with rich, though abject poor.

" Nor words alone portray his deep distress. With not less clearness every emblem shines, Which down the course of Patriarchal times, Still pointed tow'rds the destined Sacrifice, Remedial promised to atone for sin. Did Abel yield the firstlings of his flocks, 'Twas but the emblem of the first born Son, From Heav'n's eternal ages offer'd up. So too, the paschal lamb, whose blood was shed, When Egypt's first-born, man and beast, were slain, And Israel from the angel's sword exempt, Who each his lintel with its blood distain'd, A lively figure gave of this Lamb's death, In whom God's Israel of all tribes are bless'd. When Noe built the ark, his seed to save, While giant wickedness pervaded earth,

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