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And reconciled in whom my likeness shines

A man, yet God, exalted though abased,

Master, yet servant, priest, yet victim bound,

Consign'd to death, yet victor o'er the grave;

The first fruits now become of them that sleep.

Our part is here complete : the rest, remains

For man, who his salvation, each must work ;

Yet not alone, as if of his own strength,

My grace still aiding, still preventing him,

Him following, to sanctify and save.

Nor doth your mission end; your ministry

To lead, guide, guard my saints, the same endures,

As from the first my chosen were your care.

More num'rous now than then ; from all parts drawn,

From every nation, tribe, and diverse tongue;

Whoe'er my truth confess, accept my grace,

And interest seek in his atoning blood.

Meanwhile earth waits you. Go, attend my Son,

Who now the glory he first had resumes,

And equal with me, equal shares my throne."

So spake the Father, so his love display' d, Mercy and truth, to all the heav'nly powers. Him, pleased they hear ; him, prostrate they adore ; Extol him King and Lord, forever bless'd ; Great in his works, and greatly to be praised, Magnificent in glory, wond'rous all His ways ; in mercy plenteous, terrible In wrath; who captive leads the reprobates, And from their malice sets his children free ; Who doth the mighty overthrow with might, And to the sons of peace his glory shows ; His everlasting Kingdom magnifies,

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