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Of Achaz, through whom Ezechias claims

Descent, who Ammon's high places destroy'd,

His statues razed, cut down his groves,

And brazen Seraph broke, which Moses made,

To save the people, by the dragons bit,

But now to base idolatry disposed,

To impious worship, and with incense fumed.

Nor least renowned in these hallow'd bands,

Stood Judith of Merari, boldly who,

The tyrant Holofernes slew, and freed

Bethulia, long encompass'd by his tents;

Nor valiant Jahel less, who Sisera slew,

With nail and hammer, pinn'd him to the ground,

And Israel rescued from th' oppressor's power.

'Twere long to sing of Jephte's reckless vow,

And her, who meekly suffer'd, though cut off

From hope, through continence, of the blest Seedj

Or those five maids, who claim' d Manasses' lot,

Maala, Hegla, Melcha, Noa' and Thers' ;

Or that famed prophetess, Josias knew,

Holda her name, who Moses law enforced,

Long lost, but in that good king's reign restored,

And with fresh zeal, its precepts new enjoin'd.

All these and more, elect of every tribe, With retinue diffuse, happ'ly redeem'd, To endless rapture rise, whilom though sad, What time they Israel's woes mourn' d, and their own, Whom nations crush' d, and Babylon enthrall'd. Num'rous they throng, not now with sorrow dumb, Nor harps on bending willows, mute, unstrung, But robes wash'd white, radiant with rapture, crown'd, With palms victorious waved in every hand,

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