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Pleased, the sovereign Pastor scans their files, Their number sums, and orderly array, Their ready service owns, and homage due. Nine choirs celestial grace th' ascending scale, Ordain'd to minister at Heav'ns high will Angels, archangels, virtues, heav'nly powers, Strong principalities, dominions, thrones, Cherubs, and seraphs, various in degree; And now the tenth, first fruits redemption won, Terrestrial order, thence to heavenly raised, The race of Adam, made those seats to fill, Whence the proud dominations hostile fell. Pleased he surveys, then turns his gracious eye, On that small band, which eager round him clung. Some parting words serene to these he speaks, With filial love his tearful Mother cheers; Her to the one beloved, with care bequeaths, And in him all, who, firm in faith, believe; Last, to the Twelve, renew' d instructions gives, Then heavenwards speeds his chariot's flaming wheels. Scarce had their Head triumphant ceased to speak, Scarce the last blessing from his lips dispensed, And Olivet his hallow'd footsteps left, When loud hosannas from th' assembled hosts, From hosts augelic, and from saints redeem' d, Shake heaven's vast concave. Their immortal crowns, Golden, with laurel twined, celestial gemm'd, They fore him cast, wave their green palms, and thus His glorious name with praise melodious hymn :

"Immanuel, Victor, hail!" aloud they sing; " Hail ! King immortal, ever to be praised, Hail ! Source of life, Spring whence life's blessings flow,


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