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Long as the sun shall shine, or moon endure,

Throughout all generations of the just,

Shall justice bud, abundant peace descend,

As rain descends upon the snowy fleece,

Or gentle showers that fertilize the soil ;

From sea to sea my empire be display'd,

My sway from rivers to earth's utmost bounds.

Meanwhile rejoice, ye saints, secure in rest,

Here pass your blissful hours, here hymn glad praise,"

And bathe your weary souls in joy's pure stream,

Which clear as crystal, flows from out the throne ;

Feast on the tree of life's perennial fruits,

Whose leaves, for healing of the nations, yield

Enravishing delights. So wait the end,

Till time shall cease, till Israel's tribes redeem'd,

All God's true Israel be gather'd in,

When joy, peace, truth, and love, henceforth shall reign."

His words attending, they with rapture hear, Excelling rapture, more than heart conceived, Or tongue could utter, pass'd expression bless'd; More than the angels knew, who ne'er had sinn'd, Nor felt suspense, probation's state entails. They all their toilsome way recounted o'er, In thought review'd their sorrows, griefs and woes, Endured whilst passing through the vale of tears ; Anew their battles fought, their exile felt, Their sad forebodings, darkness and despair. But now arrived, adjudged, and worthy found, Secure past loss, fore'er confirm' d in bliss, Their woes enduring, turn to boundless joys, Tears to sweet waters, ills to pure delights, And griefs, to their fruition's keenest zest.

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