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Peaceful the intervening hours abide, Till that blest moment dawn, by him decreed, When angel bands shall waft thee, as he said, On couch of roses to thy heav'nly throne."

These words, consoling, cheer their sadden'd hearts, Infuse new joy, revive their waning hopes, Fill the Bless'd Mother with supreme delight, And patient waiting her Son's destined time. Their Lord had left them, yet, mysterious plan, His beaming presence, still with them remains; His spirit warms them, vivifies their souls, And fires their love, with infinite desire. As when the sun, conceal' d behind some clouds, The plains o'ercasts, then drooping Nature fades, Perchance some watery drops in grief lets fall, And trails her floral honors on the ground; His beams restored, her vernal beauties rise, Her foliage shines, her flow'rs fresh odors breathe, And all her verdure glows with sparkling dew. So these, late sad, their cheeks bedew'd with tears, And mournful sighing, of their Love bereft, Now rise elastic, fill'd with faith and hope, And firm reliance on the seraph's words : Thence go their way, by angel guardians led, Joy in their step, love's rapture in their eye, [tongues Whilst heaven's grand theme, transporting, tunes their The nations saved, man's happiness assured, Redemption won, and Paradise restored.


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