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These, dubious inspirations ever give

To lying oracles, and Sibyls' verse ;

T' all, who invoke their deadly names, or breathe

The sulph'rous vapors issuing from the pit,

Where Pythige sit convulsed and foul distort,

Till hisses, howls, groans, cries, torment the air,

And with affright disperse the gaping crowds.

The last Velites name, agile, light arm'd,

Nigh half of hell include whose vagrant bands.

O'er these, the king of terrors reigns supreme,

To whom was given pow'r on earth to kill

With famine, pestilence, and beasts of prey.

Nor had they place assigned, array compact,

But o'er the fourfold parts of earth wide roarn'd,

A host of goblins, chimeras, gorgons,

Phantoms of nameless forms, gnomes, ghouls obscene,

Hydras and dragons, spouting smoke and flames,

Wing'd, claw'd, and mail'd, to fly, or run, or walk,

Or stand impervious to assaults of foes,

Subtil to tempt, or to possess mankind;

Slot-hounds of hell of every hideous shape,

Snuffing their prey from far, eager to tear,

And their insatiate maws with blood engorge.

Thick swarm the fiery horrors ; not so thick

Arabia's sands, when blows the hot simoom,

And wilder'd caravans, entire ingulf;

Nor reedy grass, o'er ocean prairie spread.

On all sides round, th' interminable fields,

Like em'rald waves perpetual moving, toss,

Now bending, rising, rolling to the blast,

Now serrous rustling to th' inconstant breeze ;

Here lordly bisons swim, and whinny'ing herds,


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