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Thick swarm'd the way, and darken'd all the air. He saw, and knew their lungeoua intent ; Knew, and with voice elate, nine days and nights, Presaged thus their quick and sure defeat :

" The hearer of the word of God, who knows The doctrine of the Highest, and, though fall'n, The visions of th' Almighty sees, hath said ; Balaam the son of Beor, he hath said ; Ye powers of hell, give ear. Is God a man, That he should lie ? or such that he should change ? The heav'ns shall pass away, the sun with age Grow dim, but naught of him shall fail. His word Is pass'd; your doom, immutable, is fix'd; From out of Jacob shall a Star arise, A sceptre shall from out of Israel spring. Him from the rocks and hill tops ye shall see, But none the number of his stock may tell. His seed shall be like Jacob's, as the stars, Innum'rous as the sands upon the shore. How beautiful thy tabernacles are,

promised Seed ! How dazzling white thy tents ! Like wooded vales, like water'd gardens near The river's brink, or cedars by their side ;

Or, as the green bay tree, the Lord doth plant, Doth plant and build, build, and redeem his race, Which now forever shall abide ; nor more The gates of hell shall over them prevail. Wide as the world extends his sway, etern His kingdom, and his pow'r supremely great.

1 hear the sound of this victorious King ; The thunder of his chariots resounds ;

I see the light'ning of his eye. Behold !

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