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Rejoice, there still give praise to thee, alone Our Hope, our strong Salvation, and our God."

Swifter than arrow from the strong arm'd bow, Or than the eagle in its heav'nward flight, Flew the petition of the spotless Maid, Up to the gates of heav'n, acceptable. Heav'n's portals, opening wide, free entrance gave The off'ring, which, as sweetest fragrance rose, Ambrosia scented, grateful to the Highest. As thus her heart, inflamed with love divine, In peaceful joy reposed on her Beloved, Who cent' red all her thoughts, desires and praise, So did her hands not less in useful toil Unite to do Him service, and to make Him free-will off'rings, pleasing in His sight. Her fingers deftly thus the distaff ply, And many' a wreath of dazzling colors spin. Now golden films of finest texture spring To forms of matchless beauty 'neath her touch ; Now purple, scarlet, vi'let, red or blue, As each in turn the warp or weft demands, With varying hues surprising art display ; But chief her skill Pelusian white employs, Whose fleecy threads still sparkle as they roll, And spotless glisten as new fallen snow. Surpassing beauty triumphs in her works, As o'er Sidonian loom her broider'd arts She plies, and fabrics rise of varied grace, With labyrinths of flowers intertwined, Or words of mystic Tephilim portray' d.

Hers was by lot the purple woof to spin, The Holiest of Holies to adorn.

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