Page:Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat.djvu/244

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(to be proved). Thus heat is produced by motion. If it is matter, it must be admitted that the matter is created by motion.

(2) When an air-pump is worked, and at the same time air is admitted into the receiver, the temperature remains constant in the receiver. It remains constant on the outside. Consequently, the air compressed by the pumps must rise in temperature above the air outside, and it is expelled at a higher temperature. The air enters then at a temperature of 10°, for instance, and leaves at another, 10° + 90° or 100°, for example. Thus heat has been created by motion.

(3) If the air in a reservoir is compressed, and at the same time allowed to escape through a little opening, there is by the compression elevation of temperature, by the escape lowering of temperature (according to Gay-Lussac and Welter). The air then enters at one side at one temperature and escapes at the other side at a higher temperature, from which follows the same conclusion as in the preceding case.

(Experiment to be made: To fit to a high-pressure boiler a cock and a tube leading to it and emptying into the atmosphere; to open the cock a little way, and present a thermometer to the outlet of the steam; to see if it remains at 100° or more;