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Country. Name. Department of Science. Public Office.
France. . Marquis Laplace[1] Mathematics . President of the Conservative Senate.
France. . M. Carnot . . . . Mathematics . Minister of War.
France. . Count Chaptal[2] . . Chemistry . . Minister of the Interior.
France. . Baron Cuvier[3] . . Comparative Anatomy, Natural History Minister of Public Instruction.
Prussia. . Baron Humboldt. Oriental languages Ambassador to England.
Prussia. . Baron Alexander Humboldt The celebrated Traveller Chamberlain to the King of Prussia.
Modena . Marquis Rangoni[4] Mathematics . Minister of Finance and of Public Instruction, President of the Italian Academy of Forty.
Tuscany . Count Fossombroni[5] Mathematics . Prime Minister of the Grand Duke of Tuscany.
Saxony . . M. Lindenau[6] . . Astronomy . . Ambassador.
  1. Author of the Mecanique Cœleste.
  2. Author of Traité de Chimic Appliqué aux Arts.
  3. Author of Leçons d' Anatomie Comparée—Récherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, &c. &c.
  4. Author of Memoria sulle Funzioni Generatrici, Modena, 1824, and of various other memoirs on mathematical subjects.
  5. Author of several memoirs on mechanics and hydraulics, in the Transactions of the Academy of Forty.
  6. Author of Tables Barometriques, Gotha, 1809—Tabulæ Veneris, novæ et correctæ, Gothæ, 1810—Investigatio Nova Orbitæ a Mercurio circa Solem descriptæ, Gothæ, 1813, and of other works.