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2 Eliz. 2
Regency Act, 1953
Ch. 1

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to be of Counsellors of State.
6 & 7 Geo. 6. c. 42.
3. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother shall be added to the persons whom subsection (2) of section six of the Regency Act, 1937 (as set out in section one of the Regency Act, 1943) requires, subject as therein mentioned, to be the Counsellors of State for the purposes of any delegation of royal functions under that section, and accordingly during her life that section shall have effect as if a reference to her were inserted in subsection (2) thereof next after the reference to the wife or husband of the Sovereign.

Short title, construction, citation and repeal. 4.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Regency Act, 1953, and shall be construed as one with the Regency Acts, 1937 and 1943, and those Acts and this Act may be cited together as the Regency Acts, 1937 to 1953.

(2) In subsection (2a) of section six of the Regency Act, 1937 (set out in section one of the Regency Act, 1943) the words “The heir apparent or heir presumptive to the Throne if not under the age of eighteen years shall not be disqualified from being a Counsellor of State by reason only of his not being of full age, but save as aforesaid” (being words rendered unnecessary by section two of this Act) are hereby repealed.


Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and Queen’s Printer of Acts of Parliament