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Topic 3. What we could do to improve the streets and thoroughfares near us.

Topic 4. How we can help in making parks and playgrounds.

Topic 5. Our responsibility and share in beautifying the grounds upon which church buildings are erected.


(a) Make a sketch to show how the grounds upon which your Relief Society Hall stands could be laid out in lawns, walks, trees and flower beds.

(b) Make a sketch showing how grounds upon which your Stake Tabernacle is erected could be beautified.

(c) Make a design of a new public park for your own town, with details in lawns, trees, flower beds, swings, etc.

(d) Write a five-minute statement as to what methods could be best employed to rid neighboring thoroughfares of weeds.

(e) Write a five-minute paper on how to secure pure water for your town.

(f) Enumerate all the trees that will grow in your locality.

(g) Name the wild shrubs and trees that grow in the mountains near by.

(h) Tell in three minutes what could be done in reforesting desolate hills that were once timbered.


Twenty Minutes.

LESSON 1. "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Gen. Ch. 8, Ver. 22.)

(a) City Gardens, Flowers, Kitchen Gardens.
(b) Country Gardens, Flowers, Kitchen Gardens.
(c) Study Bulletins and Catalogues.
(d) Study of Soils.
(e) Wasted Grounds about the Homes of Relief Society Women.
(f) Gardening for Women Pays: In Money, in Health and Character-building. Children should assist.
(g) Ideal Home Companionship.