Page:Relief Society Magazine 1.1.djvu/141

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(g) We believe in the savings bank; and in the economy that always uses only the best materials in building homes, in furnishing them, and in the living of the family.

(h) Mothers, wives, and daughters make the atmosphere of the interior of the home.

(i) There is no economy in rearing a helpless family of daughters and sons.


"Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one, grass in the field."—(Zech. 10:1.)

Weeding.—By digging the whole garden just as soon as the soil is in condition, the early germination of weed seeds will be aided, and as soon as they appear above the ground can be killed by proper cultivation. Some gardeners think that so long as the weeds are exterminated and the soil watered, nothing more is required.

Watering.—Great care should be exercised in the use of water, especially in the early stages of plant life. A heavy watering of the soil, whether applied with hose or by nature, or sometimes by the ever generous sprinkling cart, will pack most soils down so hard that they become almost impervious to air. Air should be present in the soil to assist in the decompositions and chemical changes that must continually go on in the conversion of plant-food into forms that the plants can use. Proper cultivation, constant stirring about, pulverizing and aeration of the soil, are essential, especially in the beginning. The amount of water to apply can only be determined by experience with the type of soil being used. A general rule to follow is to water thoroughly, but not often, as soon as dry enough. After the application of water, cultivate to prevent the formation of a surface crust.

Second Planting of Corn, Peas, etc.—We wish to encourage the planting of a second crop of peas, corn, etc., that we may have an extension of the production of green vegetables so complimentary to securing good health.

When planting seeds in mid-summer, prepare the surface of the soil before you are ready to sow. Aim to get the seeds covered while the soil is still damp, be sure that the earth is