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We would have you, while your hands are busy with the shaping of clothing for the poor or the making of articles for disposition in your ward in this meeting, to listen to these words with your spirits. For we would speak to you of Charity. Charity that never faileth. That Charity which counts the gifts and powers of the Gospel of not so much worth as the sympathetic forgiveness and understanding which should exist between the women of our community. Remember that we all may offend, for we are all mortal; but let us be quick to forgive.

Our goods to the poor and our bodies to be burned, but, oh, let our souls bow down in prayer for those who offend us. If they need higher light, better understanding of principle, let us kneel before the Throne of Grace in their behalf. It may well happen that the beam is in our own eye, not in our neighbor's; and prayer for him will do more to remove the beam from our eye than all other means.

We would have you keep in mind the foundation principle of this organization as of the Church: namely, that we must get and keep the spirit of testimony in our hearts, while we seek to awaken and develop in the minds of others that same elevating spirit. The women who have born the heat and burden of the day, beginning with the present President of this organization, have been women who have partaken of that spirit of testimony in their early youth. But it is not enough that you have that spirit in your own heart, you must constantly and faithfully try to impart that spirit to the members of your household and to the members of this Society.

Invite the young women into your Society; urge them to speak and take part in your lesson work. You may need the fresh young vigor and enthusiasm of the girls of this church in your work—but they need your sweet testimonies far more and the fruitful examples that you set before them in this organization. Manifest an abiding reverence for the priesthood—as held by the men of your household and the household of faith. Seek their counsel and take it. You can not err here or hereafter in following their counsel. Teach your sons and daughters this saving principle.

No more inspiring lesson has been taught this Board while preparing these lessons for you than the instructions given us by our venerable and honored President, who declares that we must keep before our eyes continually, in all this lesson work and in all our labors, the genuine spirit of the Gospel, which is the spirit of testimony and of obedience. We wish every mem- of the Society to receive her inspired message. It is this message which we are now endeavoring to pass on to you in this