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Lib. V. May.

PraestitibuB Maiae laribos yidere Kalendae
Aram constitai, signaqae parya Deum.— [F. y. 129-130.]

May 'day St. Philip and Jacob , sc. 1 May.

Mater, ades, flornin, ladis celebranda jocosis;
Distnleram partes mense priore tnas.
Incipis Aprili: transis in tempora Mali.
Alter te fngiens, cum yenit alter, habet. — [F. y. 183-186.]

In fastigio Tnrris Collegii S. Magdalenae Oxon, Ministri istins Sodalitii chorales, annnatim de more, primo die Maij ad horam qnartam matntinam melodic^ cantant. Ant. k Wood, Historia & Antiqnitates Ozo lib. ii. p. 211.

'Es commonly sayd, in Germany, that the Witches doe meet in the night before the first day of May upon an high Mountain, called the Blocks-berg, situated in Ascanien, where they together with the Devils doe dance, and feast, and the common People doe the night before ye said day fetch a certain thorn, and stick it at their house-door, believing the witches can then doe them no harm.

Mdm. at Oxford the Boyes doe blow Cows horns & hollow Caxes all night ; and on May-day day the young maids of every parish carry about their parish Garlands of Flowers, wth afterwards they hang up in their Churches.

Commons ^ Forests.

Venerat in morem popnli depascere saltns:
Idq' din licnit, poenaq' nnlla fait.
Vindice seryabat nnllo sna pnblica ynlgns:
Jamq' in priyato pascere inertis erat. — [F. y. 283-286.]


Ebrins ad dnmm f ormosae limen amicae
Cantat: habent nnctae mollia serta comae.— [F. y. 339-340.]

Dirigesy or Masses for ye Dead.

Ritns erit yeteris, noctnma Lemnria, sacri :
Inferias tacitis Manibns ilia dabnnt.— fF. y. 421-422.]

  1. V. Oyid, de Arte Amandi, lib.