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this day in thy ſoul's ſtead, ſuch a confidence have I in you

8thly, When you find your heart ſecure, preſumptuous and proud, then pore upon corruption mare than grace: then look upon your graces without your infirmities.

9thly, Study the covenant of grace, and merits of Chriſt; you are intereſted in ſuch a covenant that accepts purpoſes for performances, deſires for deeds, ſincerity for perfection, he righteouſneſs of another, viz that of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, as it were our own alone. Oh, my love! reſt thou in the love of God, in the boſom of Chriſt

10thly, Swallow up your will in the will of God. It is a bitter cup we are to drink, but it is the cup our Father hath put into our hands. When Paul was to ſuffer at Jeruſalem, the Chriſtians ſaid. The will of the Lord be done! O ſay ye ſo too, when I go to Towerhill, The will of the Lord be done!

11thly, Rejoice in my joy. To mourn for me inordinately, argues, that you either envy or ſuſpect my happineſs. The joy of the Lord is my ſtrength: Ohǃ let it be yours alſo!- Dear Wife, farewel!-I will call thee Wife no more-I ſhall ſee thy face no more-yet I am not much troubled, for now I am going to meet the Bridegroom, the Lord Jeſus, to whom I ſhall be eternally married.

12thly. Refuſe not to marry, when God offer: you a fair opportunity: but be ſure you marry in the Lord, and one of a good diſpoſition that he may not grieve you, but give you a comfortable livelihood in the world.

Farewel, dear Love, and again I ſay, Farewell. The Lord Jeſus be with your ſpirit- the