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Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | The White House

And now we made the USMCA, which is going to be a terrific — a great deal. And, by the way, the USMCA, from Mexico — that’s United States, Mexico, Canada — that’s where the money is coming from, not directly but indirectly, for the wall. And nobody wants to talk about that. Because we’re saving billions and billions of dollars a year, if Congress approves that deal.

Now, they might now want to approve a deal just because they’ll say — one of the things I’m thinking of doing — this has never been done before: No matter how good a deal I make with China, if they sell me Beijing for one dollar, if they give me 50 percent of their land and every ship that they’ve built over the last two years — which is a lot — and they give them to me free, the Democrats will say, “What a lousy deal; that’s a terrible deal.”

Like, ZTE, I got a billion — more than a billion-dollar penalty in a short period of time. And the Democrats said, “Oh, should’ve gotten more.” When I made that deal, I said, “This is incredible.” I just got — I got over a billion-dollar penalty, plus they had to change their board of directors. They had to change their top management. But they had to pay over a billion dollars. I said, “What a deal.” It took like a week. And the Democrats didn’t even know there was a problem with ZTE.

I’m the one that find them. I’m the one that settled it. Over a billion dollars. And President Xi called me and he said it would be important to him if they could get a deal. And we made a deal — paid — like, in a short period of time.

The Democrats went out and said, “Oh, they should’ve done better.” So what I’m thinking of doing is getting Chuck Schumer, getting Nancy Pelosi, having them bring two or three of their brilliant representatives. And we’ll all go down together, and what we’ll do is we’ll negotiate. I'll put them in the room and let them speak up. Because any deal I make with China, if it’s the great — it’s going to be better than any deal that anybody ever dreamt possible, or I’m not going to have a deal. It’s a very simple.

But any deal I make with China, Schumer is going to stand up and say, “Oh, it should’ve been better. It should’ve been better.” And you know what? That’s not acceptable to me. So I’m thinking about doing something very different. I don’t think it’s ever been — I just don’t want to be second-guessed. But that’s not even second-guess; that’s called politics. Sadly, I’d probably do the same thing to them, okay?