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and to drink the water of the running ſtreams; at laſt he eſpied a caſtle not far off, whether he directed his weary ſteps, deſiring of a lady who ſtood looking over the walls, a meal of meat to relieve a knight almoſt famiſhed; but ſhe, with a curſed frown, bid him begone, or elſe his life muſt pay for his preſumption, her lord being a mighty giant, that, with cruſhed bones, did recompenſe the ſaucineſs of ſuch intruders. Now, ſaith St. George, by the honour of my knighthood, here will I obtain my dinner, or elſe become food for crows by his accurſed hand. The lady, abaſh'd at theſe words, gave information to the giant, who immediately came forth, of ſuch a monſtrous and deformed proportion, that he would have daunted a courageous knight; tho' ſtrong and luſtful for an encounter; yet George (tho' much enfeebled by hunger) with a magnanimous reſolution ſet upon him, and notwithſtanding the giant was armed with a mighty bar of iron, the Chriſtian Champion dealt him ſuch blows, that, in one, the giant was forced to ſurrender his life, and the command of the caſtle into the hands of St. George.

St. George having now finiſhed his work, went into the caſtle to receive his wages, viz. his dinner which he had earned, but for fear the lady ſhould mingle poison in his food, he made her firſt to taste of every diſh, and, having ſtaid ſome time to refreſh himſelf and his horſe, he left the caſtle in keeping of the lady, and went on in purſuit of his travels, paſſing thro' the rest of Greece and Phrygia, until he came into the confines of Tartary, to the enchanted garden of Ormondine, where he eſpied a ſword encloſed into the enchanted rock, when he no ſooner put his hand into the hilt, then he drew it out with much eaſe, then immediately the heavens were overcaſt with a thick darkness, and the earth ſhook and rumbled like mighty peals of thunder, the winds blew ſo impetuouſly that strong oaks were rent in pieces by the ſame, and then the enchanted garden vaniſhed away, and the champion